YES! e-Waste Recycling

Programs Provided by


YES! e-Waste Recycling 

660 Sixth Street

Woodland, CA


Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 2:30 pm

Closed on the following Holidays:

New Year's Day

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Presidents Day

Memorial Day

4th of July

Labor Day

Veterans Day

Thanksgiving Day & day after

Christmas Day & day after


*** Special Events:  During the year, YES! Recycling Center will have several shortened days of operation due to special events related to the YES! Program.


YES! e-Waste Recycling is a Certified e-Waste Collector of CalRecycle.   

YES! e-Waste Recycling

As a collector of electronic waste, YES! e-Waste Recycling is your community's principled solution for end-of-use electronic items.  Please help us divert this material away from landfills, and recycle it instead through a responsible, nationwide recycling stream.


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